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From the nanoscale to the macroscale, molecule by molecule

Carpona is pushing the boundaries of what is possible with covalent organic framework materials today

What carpona does

Carpona wants to be the vehicle to facilitate other research areas. The company provides methods for producing covalent organic framework membranes through innovative chemistry, improving order, chemical control, and allowing for a pore size on the nanometer level. Carponas intention is to pave the way for new insights beyond what is possible today in a wide range of fields.

Carpona’s offer

The research methodology is based on physical organic chemistry. By constraining chemical reactivity in space, our unique method allows for the build-up of covalent organic framework films and membranes of nanometer thickness and an area cm size scale, with a nanoscale controlled placement of atoms.

This enables membranes with thickness to length scale aspect ratios exceeding six orders of magnitudes to be produced.